
时间:2022-5-16 10:45:14


运送到中东从未如此简单,将您的货物交给我们的专家,我们将以最具成本效益和最快的速度处理您的货物。Before sailing
It is strictly forbidden to anchor an anchor in the entrance channel of the Vridi Canal and in the prohibited areas inside the canal within 75 meters of the banks.
Any ship docked or inboard must leave its post within a maximum of three (3) hours if so ordered by the Commander of the port of Abidjan except in case of force majeure established by the latter.
Every ship moored in the port of Abidjan must have a minimum security crew and at least one guard on board.
Avoid keeping the scales down
The practice of bartering is prohibited in the port
Demand a guard service;
Notify guards if unwanted people are present;
Contact security services on Channels 12 and 13 if there is a threat to property and people;
The accommodation of prostitutes is prohibited.




1、委托书由托运人自己填写货运托运书。托运书应包括下列内容栏:托运人、收货人、始发站机场、目的地机场、要求的路线/申请订舱、供运输用的声明价值、供海关用的声明价值、保险金额、处理事项、货运单所附文件、实际毛重、运价类别、计费重量、货物的品名及数量、托运人签字、日期等。2、审核单证单证应包括:发票、装箱单、托运书、报送单项式、外汇核销单、许可证、商检证、进料/来料加工核销本、索赔/返修协议、到付保函、关封。3、 订舱接到发货人的发货预报后,向航空公司吨控部门领取并填写订舱单,同时提供相应的信息;货物的名称、体积、重量、件数、目的地;要求出运的时间等。航空公司根据实际情况安排舱位和航班。货运代理订舱时,可依照发货人的要求选择最佳的航线和承运人,同时为发货人争取最低、最合理的运价。
